
Education is a right for children. It is a right that also helps respect other rights, education is a tool of empowerment, a means to promote children rights, and can provide individuals with the necessary skills to have the best possible life.

Quality education must be available for every child, without any discrimination and respecting their dignity, no matter where and who they are regardless of their race, religion, gender or disability.

All children and young people should be encouraged to reach the highest level of education of which they are capable.

Ethiopian Center for Development is on implementing various projects on five regional state including Addis Ababa City Administration. Education is the one among active projects.

1) Project Title
Improving Access to Quality Primary Education in Yeka and Kolfe Keraniyo Sub Cities of Addis Ababa.
2) Project Donor:
Pestalozzi Children Foundation (PCF) Swiss, child base organization
3) Project Outputs

  • Improved teaching and learning process
  • Improved school facilities
  • Improved student attendance

4) Project Duration
1st phase Three years (36 months) from August 2019 – June 2022.
5) Objective of the Project
Improving access to primary quality education in eight target schools of Yeka and Kolfe Keraniyo sub cities of Addis Ababa.
6) Expected outcomes of the project

  • Improved students Result
  • Trained Teachers, School directors, PTSA and other committees members.
  • Improved students Attendance rate
  • Improved students Drop out Rate
  • Functional School clubs
  • Practical Students bylaw
  • Schools with strong PTSA
  • Improved School facilities Like:- library, Laboratory, Pedagogical center, play grounds, toilets, water supply and others.

7) Project Implementation Area
Kolfe Keraniyo Sub City:

Woreda 1 – Abune Baslios Primary School
Woreda 6 – Yemane Birhan Primary School
Woreda 14 – Fitawurary Habte Giorgis Primary School & Asco Addis Sefer Primary School

Yeka Sub City:

Woreda 6 – Nigat Kokeb Primary School
Woreda 12 – Kotebe Birihane Hiwot Primary School
Woreda 13 – Yeka Tafo Primary School
Woreda 14 – Yeka Abado Primary School

Totally the project implemented on 8 target schools of 7 Woredas

8) Project Target Beneficiaries

  • Direct Beneficiaries; 27,975 students of 8 target schools (Male 13,297 Female 14,678)
  • Indirect Beneficiaries; 12,784 Teachers, PTSAs, Parents, school administrators

9) Project Achievements

  1. Pedagogical skill, child right and other quality education related trainings are provided for a total of 1, 279 (736F) teachers, School directors, Supervisor and PTSAs across 8 partner schools on the following titles since the launching of the project.
    • Active learning
    • Early Grade Reading Assessment /EGRA/
    • Positive discipline, guidance and counseling
    • Teaching aid material preparation
    • Child safeguarding
    • Gender responsive pedagogy
    • How to facilitate KG and O classes
    • School Leadership
    • Role and responsibilities of PTSA…
  2. Different types of materials are provided for children with special needs of all partner schools with the support of PCF (donor) in order to access inclusive education for children with disability. The distributed items are listed as follows.
No Items Unit Quantity Remark
1. Wheel chair – normal pcs 5 (F 2) & (M3)
2. Cruntches – Auxilary pcs 1 1F
3. Cruntches – Arm single pcs 6 (2F) & (M4)
4. Learning Books/sign language pcs 27
5. Abacus Pcs 24
6. Puzzles differnt types Pcs 16
7. Sign language dictionary pcs 27
  1. Classroom supervision is carried out for a total of 34 (24F) teachers to check the implementation of provided training.
  2. Participatory baseline survey is carried out and the gaps of partner schools are identified.

3. Children summit was organised in Addis Ababa with the theme of Intercultural Education for Holistic
. 80 (42F) students, 26 (5F) guardians and 14 (2F) facilitators totally 120 (49 F) were participated on the
summit. ECD was the host in