We were able to improve the capacity of schools and hence was able to make education more accessible and less of a challenge,• Made kindergarten education accessible in those areas where it is scarce and increase the number of children attending kindergarten And It played a significant role in leading students to successfully proceed to the next levels of education and prevented school dropouts through facilitating support to students.

We succeeded in preventing girls from dropping out of school due to higher rate of repetition, for lack of income, supply of sanitary materials, or insufficient or ineffective basic facilities in schools, physical and emotional abuses, lack of opportunity and space for after school study and life skills etc and We also were able to improve the livelihood of desperately poor parents through facilitation of access to income generation and training opportunities.

We reduced urban fragility by creating safe and inclusive Addis Ababa city for young women and men and hence reduced the inconvenient situation that affects young women and men., it increased young women and men’s access to decent, safe and sustainable work and economic opportunities. and It contributed for the improvement of young women and men’s engagement in civic economic, social affairs of their local area.
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