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Day1 :17/04/2020 Events On Awareness and hand washing campaigns at Yeka sub city

Water and soap are among the most powerful weapons to fight the corona virus. Hand washing facility were installed. The core team and our youth volunteers have been traveling around 3 woredas of yeka sub city, to help the community with hand washing and awareness creation campaign.

Awareness and Hand-washing campaign

Day 2: 20/04/2020 Hand Washing Campaign at : Jan-Meda

Hand washing campaign in Yeka Sub City

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Day3: Covid 19 Response

The ECD youth volunteers in Yeka Sub city Woreda 03,04 &05 has conducted a wonderful awareness creation and hand washing campaign towards combating COVID-19. The campaign was made in 9 selected locations. Local Market areas, Woreda administration office compound and bus stations areas were the target centers of the campaign as the youth shall meet large number of people.
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