Sustainable Employment for Women and Youth

Pathways for Sustainable Employment for Women and Youth in Ethiopia (PASEWAY)
1) Project Title
Pathways for Sustainable Employment for Women and Youth in Ethiopia (PASEWAY)
2) Project Donor:
Germen Ministry of Economic cooperation and development (BMZ) and Plan international Germany (GNO) through Plan international Ethiopia.
3) Project Outputs

  • Improved teaching and learning process
  • Improved school facilities
  • Improved student attendance

4) Project Duration
October 1, 2019-December 31,2022
5) Objective of the Project

  1. General Objectives:- To contribute to increasing of formal youth employment in decent work in Addis Ababa through tailored technical, vocational and educational training and net working with employers on chosen sectors to women and youths.
  2. Specific objective
  • To successfully employ 735 young people at 35 employers contacted by the project and self employ 315 young people in Arada and Akaki Kality sub city through acquiring the require skills and knowledge to enable women to become self-employ or take on paid employment in accordance with demand in the private sector in Arada and Akaki Kality sub city. .
  • To strengthen the capacities of the local partners in the promoting youth employment and entrepreneurship in Arada and Akaki Kality sub city
  • To organise youth and women into Village Saving and loan association or savings groups in order to make use of access to internal loans and connections to microfinance institutions.
  • To create opportunities for work that is productive and delivers a fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for families, better prospects for personal development and social integration in Arada and Akaki Kality sub city

6) Expected outcomes of the project

  • 1050 Young people(Youth and Women) are successfully employed and/or self employed
  • Strengthening capacities of the local partners in the implementation of projects to promote youth employments and entrepreneurship for young people in Ethiopia

7) Implementation strategies

  • Through tailored TVET training(i.e. Long and short term training)
  • Job internship with employers
  • Community awareness on the youth employment
  • Strengthening local partners on youth employment
  • Setting up of business incubation centre as innovation hub for youths and women

8) Project Implementation Area

  • Arada sub city Woreda 03 and 06
  • Akaki Kality sub city Woreda 03, 06 and 09

9) Project Target Beneficiaries

  • Types of beneficiaries:- Youth, Women, their family members, HIV positive person, person with disability, TVET graduate and who completed 10th grades.
  • Number of Beneficiaries:-
    Direct  Male 420  Female 630 Total 1050
    Indirect at Family level Male 2100 Female 3150 Total 5250
    Indirect at Community level Male 120,000 Female 180,000 Total 300,000

10) Project Achievements

  • More than 271 youths and women were selected and ready for TVET training
  • Organized three awareness-raising session within the target community to improve family and community support for youth employment with participation of 183 family members