Safe and Inclusive cities

Safe and Inclusive cities

Safe and Inclusive cities project
1) Project Title
Safe and Inclusive cities project.
2) Project Donor:
Plan international Denmark/ DANIDA
3) Target group
Young men and women, youth in the informal business sector, CBOs
4) Project Duration
Start date: September 2018

Duration: 4 years


5) Objective of the Project
A diverse and strong civil society that influence urban governance and development processes and contribute to making cities safe and inclusive for young women and men.
6) Expected outcomes of the project
7) Project Implementation Area
woreda 3, 4 and 5 of Yeka sub-city, Addis Ababa Ethiopia
8) Project Target Beneficiaries
9) Project Achievements

  • Soft skills training on violence prevention, leadership and negotiation skills; dialogue with local authorities and participatory governance
  • for over 450 youth
  • Self-employment opportunities for 8 business groups consisting of 40 members total and promotion of decent income
  • Construction of futsal field and recreation material support
  • Construction of open library in youth centers and provide book support

March 8 campaign for gender equality and GBV prevention.