Combating Child Marriage

Combating Child Marriage

Rationale for the project

Due to economic opportunities and cultural value, marriage was predominantly conducted through traditional cultural customs rather than through a civil marriage in Amhara area. Marriage is a socially approved and legitimate means of establishing a family in the area. Orthodox Christians and Muslims also practiced religious marriage with a wedding ceremony attended by family members, relatives, neighbours and friends in which religious leaders gave the blessing of the marriage. Therefore, marriage is very important for parents, young people and the wider community. Since marriage establishes family through which a generation continues and kinship is expanded, marriage is a means of assuring future presence for parents. It has a meaning for relatives who are involved. For the society, marriage is about maintaining custom and identity. That is why forms of marriage, like child marriage, are difficult to change. Marriage has and is a social value.

1) Project Title
Combating Child Marriage in Bahir dar Zuria district
2) Project Donor:
Plan International Ethiopia through Kingdom of Netherlands
3) Specific Expected Results to be achieved

  • The proportion of girls marrying before the age of 18 will be substantially reduced.
  • Awareness and commitment to ban child marriage in the target area will be strengthened.
  • Networking among state actors and non-state actors to ban child marriage will be strengthened.

4) Project Duration
From October   2019 to December  2020
5) Objective of the Project
5.1. Overall objective

This project will support efforts to address the barriers that cause the gradual exclusion of many girls – including but not only the most disadvantaged girls – from public life and professional opportunities, and to overcome the factors that cause a thousands of child marriages and FGM

5.2.  Specific objectives

  • To capitalize learning and linking system of local governments, religious institution, community structures etc…to protect child marriage practices
  • To improved child protection systems /mechanisms in the district level
  • To strengthen the documentation, monitoring and reporting of child protection concerns particularly CM and FGM
  • To enhance the knowledge and social behavior of key stakeholder on child protection activities

6) Focus Population
The focus population to act against child marriage practices includes leaders of CBOS, FBOS, CSOs, GOs. Hence the project will focus on  those who have a significant voice or influential power in the community.
7) Project Implementation Area

Bahirdar Zuria Woreda (Gonbat, Yinesa, Wondata, Robit Kebeles)

8) Project Target Beneficiaries

  • Direct Beneficiaries; 27,975 students of 8 target schools (Male 13,297 Female 14,678)
  • Indirect Beneficiaries; 12,784 Teachers, PTSAs, Parents, school administrators

9) Project Achievements